Lakewood Township Appoints Komsa Director of Human Resources

Posted on March 3, 2017 By

The Lakewood Township Committee recently appointed Patricia Komsa, Brick, the director of human resources for the Human Resource Department, a new department and administrative position deemed critical in managing more than 400 township employees. As HR director, Komsa will be responsible for the recruitment and retention of employees, training, and compliance, among other duties.

Komsa, the former executive director of the Lakewood Development Corporation (LDC) and UEZ coordinator, has worked in the township for almost 18 years. As executive director of the UEZ and LDC, Komsa was responsible for such daily operations as supervising personnel, accounting, training, program and grant management, and compliance.

She holds a B.A. in Business Administration and an M.B.A from Georgian Court University, a M.A.S. (Master of Administrative Science) from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and a Certificate in Human Resource Management from Duke University, Continuing Studies.

Komsa is a member of the MODC (Monmouth Ocean Development Council); a member of the board of directors of the Ocean County Private Industry Council; chairwoman of the Ocean County Workforce Development Board, serving on the Business Services and Workforce Development Committee and the Strategic Planning Work Group; and a member of the Business Advisory Council, Georgian Court University, School of Business and Digital Media, where she is an adjunct professor. She is also serves on the board of directors of the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce, co-chairing the Legislative/Business and Economic Growth Committee. Komsa is the treasurer of Boy Scouts of America, Troop 39.
