Bullying in the Workplace: HR’s Role in Creating a Bully-free Environment
Bullying in the Workplace: HR’s Role in Creating a Bully-free Environment
With incidents of bullying in the workplace on the rise, some studies suggest that up to one third of workers may be victims of workplace bullying. Just as school administrators have the responsibility to develop policies to address bullying, it is up to human resource professionals to develop prevention strategies and sound management practices in order to react swiftly when bullying occurs in the workplace.
Learn how to create a bully-free workplace environment at the October 11, 2012, Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources (JSAHR) meeting, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., Jumping Brook Country Club, 210 Jumping Brook Road, Neptune, N.J
During the meeting, hosted by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, a panel of HR experts will discuss “Bullying in the Workplace: HR’s Role in Creating a Bully-free Environment.”R’s RHH Topics include the definition of bullying and how it compares to harassment; federal and New Jersey laws regarding employer obligations; best practices and recommendations for anti-bullying policies and prevention strategies, and how bullying in schools affects the workplace. Attendees will receive a template for developing a written policy designed to prevent bullying.
The panel will include Luanne Peterpaul, partner at Peterpaul & Clark, a co-author of the State of New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights; Jennifer Limsky, VP of Employee Relations at Prudential Insurance; Terri Dawe, LCSW, CEAP, Employee Assistance Program coordinator at CPC Behavioral Healthcare; and Robin Ross, Esq., Director of Compliance and Training at the Employers Association of N.J. Employers Association of N.J. is sponsoring this meeting. A question and answer period will follow.
The registration fee and a full buffet breakfast is $25.00 for JSAHR members; $40.00 for nonmembers; and an additional $5.00 for walk-ins. To register, call Kathi Evans, JSAHR administrator, at 732-270-5204 or email jsahradmin@atbcelebrations.com. JSAHR is a Superior Merit Award Chapter of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management).