N.J. Health Care Network to Meet August 14

Posted on July 23, 2018 By

The monthly meeting of NJ Health Care Network, a free organization for anyone in the health care industry, including those who provide ancillary products and services, is Tuesday, August 14, 2018, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Mansion* at Georgian Court University, 900 Lakewood Avenue, Lakewood, N.J. 08701.

The NJ Health Care Network provides an opportunity to build relationships among health care professionals, market events, and promote business. Meetings take place in a different New Jersey county each month.

For more information about NJ Health Care Network, email Lisa Gallicchio, director of community relations for Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, Eatontown, at lisa@preferredcares.com, call 732-547-9886, or visit www.njhcnet.com for the monthly location and member events.

Membership is free; however, register to take advantage of member benefits, such as posting to Health Care Network’s website all health care and marketing events, news, training information, employment listings, and access to a member directory.


*Go through the Main Gate to Parking Lot G
