N.J. Health Care Network to Meet October 9
The monthly meeting of NJ Health Care Network, a free organization for anyone in the health care industry, including those who provide ancillary products and services, is Tuesday, October 9, 2018, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice, 265 NJ-73, Voorhees Township, NJ 08043.
The NJ Health Care Network provides an opportunity to build relationships among health care professionals, market events, and promote business. Meetings take place in a different New Jersey county each month.
For more information about NJ Health Care Network, email Lisa Gallicchio, director of community relations for Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, Eatontown, at lisa@preferredcares.com, call 732-547-9886, or visit www.njhcnet.com for the monthly location and member events.
Membership is free; however, register to take advantage of member benefits, such as posting to Health Care Network’s website all health care and marketing events, news, training information, employment listings, and access to a member directory.