Challenges of Conflict Coaching and Management – April Meeting of JSAHR

Posted on March 29, 2011 By

It’s unavoidable.  People who work together will have conflicts; however, the unmanaged conflict is said to be the largest reducible cost in organizations and yet it is the least recognized. Don Swanson, a communications professor at Monmouth University, will examine ways to handle conflict between parties or within organizations at the April 14, 2011, meeting of Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources (JSAHR), 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., Jumping Brook Country Club, 210 Jumping Brook Road, Neptune, N.J.  JSAHR is a Superior Merit Award Chapter of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management).

Swanson’s presentation is designed to teach attendees ways to handle conflict.  He will discuss the global reasons behind conflicts; and the roles emotion, identity, power, and expression play in the process. Swanson will also cover the role of listening and responding; what it takes to change a person’s approach to conflict; and what it takes to change an organizational culture to utilize conflict productively.

The registration fee and a full buffet breakfast is $25.00 for JSAHR members; $35.00 for nonmembers; and an additional $5.00 for walk-ins. To register, call Kathi Evans, JSAHR administrator, at 732-244-8892 or e-mail

 About Don Swanson: Don Swanson is currently a professor of communications at Monmouth University, Long Branch, N.J., where he was the program chair for 14 years. He is now the chairman of Philosophy, Religion, and Interdisciplinary Studies. Swanson is the former president of the New Jersey Communications Association.  In the early 1990s he was a mediator with the American Arbitration Association, Pacific Rim region. Swanson’s consulting clients have included Merrill-Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Royal Caribbean International, the U.S. Postal Service, Fort Monmouth, and Safeway.  He was also a senior consultant with CRA, Communication Research Associates.
