CEO Panel Featured This October at HR Conference and Expo
Do you have questions you always wanted to ask your CEO but were afraid to ask? Four CEOs representing a cross section of New Jersey companies will be showcased in a CEO Panel Mega-session Monday, October 5, 2015, 10:15-11:45 a.m. during the 24th annual GSC-SHRM (Garden State Council – Society for Human Resource Management) Conference & Expo, the largest Human Resource educational and networking event for HR professionals in New Jersey, held in the Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
The CEOs who will share their perspectives on HR, their partnership and reliance on their HR team, and their view of the profession are Annette Catino, president and CEO, QualCare Alliance Networks, Inc.; Debra DiLorenzo, president and CEO of the award-winning Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey; Fred Dohn, CEO Americas, Arc-International; and John Schreiber, president and CEO of NJPAC (N.J. Performing Arts Center).
Some discussion topics are what is the top talent management challenge facing your company or industry now and over the next five years? What steps are you taking to address it? How has HR been most helpful in achieving your business’s key objectives? How has the function evolved with your organization? What one piece of advice would you want attendees to take away from this session? A question and answer period will follow.
The 24th annual GSC-SHRM Conference & Expo will take place Sunday, October 4 through Tuesday, October 6, 2015, in the Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, N.J.
Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. This year’s conference, “HR’s Transformational Power” includes mega-sessions from top local and national speakers, three keynote addresses, about 75 breakout sessions, strategic workshops, and more than 65 conference sponsors.
The Conference & Expo mega sessions, conference sponsors, and service providers are available to help attendees can gain additional knowledge and support. Areas of focus during the conference are diversity, equity and inclusion; talent management; professional development; organizational development and strategic HR; legal compliance, and total rewards.
Conference rates range from $500.00 for SHRM members to $550.00 for nonmembers. The fee for students and those in transition is $200.00. To register or for more information, visit or