The Blame Game – June Meeting of Human Resources Group

Posted on May 23, 2012 By

Ben Dattner, author of the book The Blame Game, will share insights into the games people play at work and how HR can help stop that behavior at the June 14, 2012, Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources (JSAHR) meeting, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., Jumping Brook Country Club, 210 Jumping Brook Road, Neptune, N.J.

Too often, people and organizations get caught up in “the blame game” during which the wrong people get blamed for the wrong reasons at the wrong time. The effect can be that when people lose motivation and become demoralized, they focus more on organizational politics than on getting the job done. As a result, they are too afraid to speak up or experiment with new approaches.

Attendees will know more about the social psychology of credit and blame, understand the impact of credit and blame on careers and organizations, learn practical techniques for practices that make credit and blame enhance success rather than constrain it, become more familiar with how individual personality impacts how credit and blame are assigned and reacted to, consider how the psychology of credit and blame can be productively considered in terms of hiring, performance appraisal, executive coaching, leadership development, and team building

The registration fee and a full buffet breakfast is $25.00 for JSAHR members; $35.00 for nonmembers; and an additional $5.00 for walk-ins. To register, call Kathi Evans, JSAHR administrator, at 732-270-5204 or e-mail  JSAHR is a Superior Merit Award Chapter of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management).

About Ben Dattner

Dattner received a B.A. in Psychology from Harvard College, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from New York University where he was a MacCracken Fellow. His doctoral dissertation analyzed the relationship between narcissism and fairness in the workplace. His master’s thesis examined the impact of trust on negotiation.

Before graduate school, Dattner worked at Republic National Bank, New York, for three years, first as a Management Trainee and then as Assistant to the CEO. After graduate school, Ben was Director of Human Resources at before founding Dattner Consulting.

