UEZ Provides $20,000 Grant to Lakewood First Aid

Posted on January 23, 2012 By

Lakewood Mayor Menashe Miller and Patricia Komsa, executive director of Lakewood’s Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ), presented a $20,000 grant toward the purchase of a new ambulance to Mordy Berger, captain of Lakewood First Aid Squad, and Ralph Lasry, president of the Lakewood First Aid Squad.

Komsa said, “This grant came from the UEZ Zone Assistance Fund, administered by the Lakewood Development Corporation (LDC). In the coming months, the UEZ expects to present a grant to Hatzolah as well.  Both organizations provide premier volunteer EMS services and serve as a backup to the Township’s EMS department.  They are EMT trained, and this is a great opportunity to support our municipal emergency medical infrastructure and services they provide for all residents, not just our businesses.

Lasry said, “We are finally able to purchase a new rig with this down payment.  Our squad does about 600 transports a year plus standbys and extrications. The ambulances currently in use are approximately twenty (20) years old and are no longer reliable.  Without this rig, we couldn’t continue. Our current ambulance is in the shop every other week.

Mayor Menashe Miller said, “The Lakewood public is served by three emergency medical services in our town. There is a paid squad and two volunteer squads. Lakewood Township stands behind its paid squads and volunteers, and we are proud that through our UEZ, administered under the LDC, we are able to assist them this year with funding towards a down payment toward a new ambulance. There is no price tag on a human life, and supporting our local emergency medical services is a number one priority.

The Urban Enterprise Zone Assistance Fund is to be used for the purpose of assisting qualified municipalities in which enterprise zones are designated in undertaking economic development projects, public improvements and in upgrading eligible municipal services in designated enterprise zones.
